Una canción para vosotros:) "Tus ojos no me ven" por Joey Montana
This week my friend got a compliment on her new shirt and quickly responded, “Thanks, I got it thrift shopping last weekend.” This reminded me of Veblen’s idea that non-conspicuous consumption is actually a way to show social status. The “new money folk” conspicuously consume, so people must show they are above that lowly “new money” status by non-conspicuously consuming. Today, buying from a thrift shop also seems socially and environmentally conscious because the buyer isn’t paying for new attire made by kids in sweatshops and he or she is recycling. When a person pointed out something positive about my friend’s new shirt, she responded by telling another great piece of information about it, it was from a thirft shop. Clearly saying that the shirt came from a thrift shop added value to it.
that the shirt was from a second-hand store reminded me of the popular song by
Macklemore, “Thrift Shop.” In the music video, Macklemore goes thrift shopping
and makes second-hand, old-school clothes cool. At one point an admirer even
says, “Oh he got the Velcros” about Macklemore’s new (well new from a second-hand
store) sneakers. The chorus of the song glorifies non-consumption by saying,
“I’m gonna pop some tags / only got twenty dollars in my pocket / I-I-I’m
hunting, looking for a come up / this is fucking awesome.” Macklemore also
boasts that he bought a “leopard mink” coat because “shit, it was 99 cents!”
Thrift shop epitomizes the notion of cool conspicuous non-consumption. The
music video, however, also makes it clear that Macklemore is choosing to thrift
shop. He does it as a hobby, not because he can’t afford classy brand names. In
the first part of the music video, Macklemore drives a DeLorean car, which would
have cost $25,000 when the company was in business in 1981. Today, that is
equivalent to spending $63, 909 on a car, so Macklemore makes a clear statement
that he is voluntarily
non-conspicuously consuming, and this choice to thrift shop is what makes it
cool. Poor people who thrift shop to save money to feed their families are
still not cool, but young white men who drive fancy cars and grab bargains at
thrift shops are.
is interesting to think about “Thrift Shop” in comparison with 50 Cent’s song,
“Window Shopper.” In the “Window Shopper” music video, 50 Cent cruises through
Paris in a white Maserati and makes ridiculously expensive impulse buys. In the
video he even labels everything with its price. For instance when he drives by
in the car, the video pauses and words appear that say, “Maserati: 1.5 Million.”
Also, at the end of the video, 50 Cent pays for a $16 million yacht in cash. This
focus on money is completely different from that of Thrift Shop, which says
“only got twenty dollars in my pocket.” “Window Shopper” is a perfect example
of Veblen’s theory that people show off their wealth in order to gain social
status and respect from others. “Thrift Shop” demonstrates that non-conspicuous
consumption is a way to show pecuniary power, but conspicuous consumption is
still a huge social class indicator.
both of these videos, males are the protagonists, so I looked up the music
video of “Starships” by Nicki Minaj to see how a woman might try to show her
social status. Macklemore and 50 Cent show off their status through
consumption, but Nicki Minaj shows marks hers with her body. Throughout the
music video, she wears bikinis and revealing swim suites that emphasize her “unreal”
curves. All this attention on the body reminded me of Baudrillard’s theory
about the value of females. Baudrillard says that women’s value comes from appearance
and attractiveness. The better a woman looks, the more value she has in
society. Nicki’s video doesn’t show her purchasing anything, but in every scene
she is at least half-naked. “Starships” shows Baudrillard’s theory of women’s
sign value in action just as Thrift Shop and Window Shopper illustrate Veblen’s
music videos show more than DeLoreans, expensive yachts, and women in bikinis, they
show theories about demonstrating status in action.
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